Tuesday 11 February 2014

A brave rescue

The rescue happened two years ago, when I was on summer holidays, in a hotel near the beach.
It was a normal day of holidays, it was sunny and I went to the beach with my family he because he had planned to stay there until lunch time; then we decided to have lunch at the hotel's restaurant. Then we went to our room, which was on the forth floor.
We relaxed and then we slept because we were really tired. Suddenly I got up and, as soon asI smelled a strange smell, I called my parents. We opened the door and guess what! There was a fire, and we were really scared. It could be provocated while we were sleeping, it was very dangerous!
We didn't try to go to the elevator because it isn't a good idea when there is a fire, so we went to the stairs but, the fire was there! We were trapped and the fire was going up, incredible! You won't believe this but, the firemen rescued everybody but they forgot about us because there weren't any people there.
I tried to call someone with my mobile but there wasn't any coverage. Suddenly, I had another idea, the window!, but it was closed. We were really unlucky but we didn't give up. My father took a chair and and hit the window with it. Then the window broke. 
Afortunately the firemen were there and, as soon as they heard us, they came to rescue us. A few minutes there and we could have died!
Finally we came back home and we thought that it was an incredible story but it was also scary, and I don't want to repeat it! 
The following days I felt much better, but it's been two years and I remember it perfectly.